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Cities are social organisms that are constantly changing. In doing so, they build built up layers of time on top of each other and become memories in which the remains of their own history are materially deposited. You don't have to dig to do urban archeology. A lot remains visible. Older buildings stand next to newer ones, higher ones next to lower ones, building lines jump back and forth. Some cities are jagged, have wounds and scars from previous destruction, are characterized by interventions in changing models or pushes for modernization, others are more uniform. Monuments are erected and overthrown, names of streets and squares exchanged. The surface of the cities can be read like a multidimensional text.

A selection of my visited cities

Europe's most beautiful cities impress with beautiful architecture, incomparable history, amazing culture and much more.
And here I would like to introduce you to a few photo impressions in the future, starting with my little home town.
city of recklinghausen


The city of Recklinghausen. This is where I was born and it's still my hometown. Much has happened here, both in good and bad.

city of Holstebro in denmark

Danish cities

Danish cities, towns and ports. Denmark is full of wonderful sights.

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